The Life Tunnel

Life sucks; One of the worst facts about life is that one cannot unthink what they already thought. Once you ponder an idea, it is over. There is never a way back. The sole thing you are able to do is to argue with it; with another counter-idea! Yet another one! Thoughts and ideas are immortal within their own universe: one's head. Don't you wish you could unthink what you thought? To unsee what you saw?

Existence is pain; I did not grasp it the first time I heard it. I was too young, perhaps. As soon as I understood it, as soon as I realized its core essence, I had only one wish: to unthink it! I wish I could unsee the pain in everyday's life.

Life sucks; this is a sentence I blurt often; Either to myself or to other pain comrades: humans. Is it because the human body is too weak that a minuscule malfunctioning in one of its organs lead to an excruciating agony and full system breakdown? Or is it because the human body is always decaying as you move closer to your death a moment after another? Or is it because of the human fixation on the missing points and rooms for improvement, which paves the road for the quest for an unreachable perfection that would always end in an agonizing dissatisfaction? I do not know. You tell me.

Existence is pain; To think that by only dying, all pain will vanish. That nonexistence is the only state that guarantee a pain-free existence, paradoxically. Doesn't that make you desire death? Does desiring death makes you mentally ill? According to the established medical knowledge, it does. I disagree. Not desiring death is a symptom of ignorance or stupidity; or both. One goes to a hospital and a nurse filling a routine questionnaire asks you: Do you have thoughts about hurting yourself? Well, an honest answer would be: My IQ level contradicts the mere possibility of a negative response. Nevertheless, I always smile, shake my head comically, and reply with a simple 'no' alongside a brief chuckle.

Life sucks; Because you cannot unthink that existence is pain. You can never unthink that every morning you wake up, you are one day nearer to your death. You are unable to unthink that every year, your body is decaying and diseases and physical pain tend to increase. You cannot unthink that death is the only pain-free form of existence. You can never unthink the idea of killing oneself. As you get familiar with the thought of suicide, you can never unsee how comforting it sounds. 

Death, on the other hand, seems cheerful. What am I saying? As soon as any of us hears the word, one senses a dark shadow following the 'th' sound. It ends with a 'th' because it is breath taking -similar to the word-; literally. However, imagine a form of existence that is pain free. That is calm and basically an infinite space of tranquility. That is it. The only form of existence that satisfies those conditions is the nonexistence itself: Death.

Death is pain-free. Death does not suck. Death is the only hopeful thought that possesses a genuinely happy ending. Death is the light at the end of the dark tunnel of life. Fixate on it; this is unavoidable. Commit to it; would you dare? I wouldn't.    


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